Haramain is an unofficial client for the amazing Haramain Recordings website (http://haramain.com). It brings the daily prayers from Makkah and Madinah to your phone in a beautiful interface.
- listen to the latest prayers from both Masjid al Haram and Masjid al Nabawi
- ability to choose one of the shuyookh and listen specifically to their recitations
- clean, material design inspired ui
- android wear optimized notifications and playback controls
- autoplay - when one track is done, the next will automatically start playing
- chromecast support
- completely free, with no advertisements
We welcome your feedback on Twitter at http://twitter.com/haramainapp.
- 听来自禁寺和清真寺圣寺人的最新祈祷
- 选择shuyookh之一,并专门听取他们的朗诵能力
- 清洁,材料设计灵感UI
- Android的优化磨损通知和播放控制
- 自动播放 - 当一个轨道完成,接下来将自动开始播放
- Chromecast支援
- 完全免费,无广告
我们欢迎您的http://twitter.com/haramainapp Twitter上的反馈。